Journey Through Qarra

Since starting a podcast, I've been wondering how to make content that is podcast-exclusive. In other words, on every platform that I am on, I like to create content exclusive to that platform, and while that is sometimes a lot to do (and also sometimes impossible), it's still very fun to think of all the different things I can make for my readers. 

So, here's my first podcast-exclusive content:

Journey Through Qarra is a segment of episodes on my podcast that take listeners on a trip through all of the settings and locations of Qarra, the continent on which my The Qarran Tales series is set.

Listeners get to explore these fantasy settings by immersing themselves in an audio adventure - sometimes peaceful, sometimes dangerous, sometimes mysterious, and always aiming to teach you more about places, people, and creatures in my books!

If this sounds like something you're interested in, make sure to subscribe to or follow my podcast in any of these 9 podcast apps, and subscribe to my mailing list to get updates whenever new JTQ episodes are shared!


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