Apartment On Hiatus

Apartment, my eerie suspense novella, is going on an indefinite hiatus. The simple and brief reason is that I do not feel it is something I should be putting out into the world. For more info, though, keep reading.

I blogged about Apartment more so than any of my other current works in progress. At the time, I truly thought this was going to be the book that I was going to publish first. I worked on it almost exclusively and finished the story. I was very proud of it, and still am. As time went on, however, I began to have doubts.

The contents of the book are very dark and brutal, despite the fact that there is no on-screen violence. The book itself was written to be analyzed and thought about deeply, not to be taken at face value. However, I feel that it is my responsibility as a writer not to put it out there if there is the chance that readers could potentially become influenced by this book in any negative way, which I believe most readers will, one way or another. The main concern, however, is that readers will take it at face value, as some kind of absurd, nonsensically brutal piece of art, rather than truly consider and discuss the themes and issues it posits.

And so, I have put it to rest. I don't think I will be publishing this book at all, but perhaps I'll revisit it later on.


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