October 2023 Writing Update

October 2023 Writing Update I started October off with a shock. It's personal, so I'll keep it brief: I lost a friendship. But between everything else that has been drowning me over the past handful of months - my university studies, my professional development courses, my teaching jobs, losing my home and going on a house hunt, my mysteriously stubborn forearm injuries, the concerning state of the world today, and a host of other personal issues that have been so damn hard to deal with, so damn heavy to carry - it felt like another drop in the lake. One more thing to add to everything else that's not going as well as I had hoped it would. And such is life. An ode to my garden, which I have lost forever. It's my biggest regret in this whole move, leaving behind a garden as big and beautiful as this. I won't be finding it again anywhere else. Notice how I didn't add anything writing-related to that list up there? That's because with everything else going on,...